Tuesday, 19.04.2016 - Wednesday, 20.04.2016 - Maison de l’Avocat – Adlieh – Beirut

International Seminar on Effectivness of the Role of International Tribunals in upholding Human Rights - Realties and Perspectives

How to make sure that the local and national level law enforcement on Human Rights stays compatible with the international one?

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is only one of numerous examples for the defense and enforcement of Human Rights through international law. In a high ranking seminar the Human Rights Institute of the Beirut Bar Association together with the Union Internationale des avocats (UIA) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung managed to gather some prominent international speakers with distinct expertise in Beirut.

In the two days seminar the experts shared their views and experience with an interested audience bringing successfully the international debate to Lebanese practitioner. Legal background form a European perspective was also explained as was the Anglo-Saxon tradition to organize a trial. However, also controversial aspects were tackled and different ways traditions to approach legal questions were put up. Also the political dimension to each and every of these legal questions was discussed openly. In the end ideas on how to go on and how to retain progress achieved made very clear that there is still a long way to go. However, as was shown in these very intense two days – progress is possible and is worth fighting for. 

Lebanon Office

Downtown  Beirut 

(+961) 1 998 559/60
(+961) 1 998 557

website: lebanon.fes.de