
Does Lebanon need a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

the Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI) held a discussion on the proposed draft Laws for the Sovereign Wealth Funds in Lebanon with the participation of local and international economists, oil and gas and legal experts.

The explorations of oil and gas resources in Blocks 4 and 9 are around the corner as well as the second licensing round, yet the legal measures for these processes are still not ready in Lebanon.

In partnership with LOGI, FES Lebanon has hosted the first experts meeting to discuss the suggested draft laws for the Sovereign Wealth Fund. More than 25 experts in Law, Economy, Finance and Oil and Gas gathered to discuss Andrew Bauer's Review of the suggested draft laws, an international expert in Sovereign Wealth Funds in more than 10 countries.

The discussions included several comments and interventions showcasing many success and failure stories in different countries in order to extract lessons learned and raise recommendations by LOGI to the Local Decision Makers based on best practices in the field.

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Lebanon Office

Sama Beirut building - Achrafieh, Sodeco.

Tel: +961 1 423 497

website: lebanon.fes.de