
Activating the Work on Secularism

A collaboration between FES Lebanon and the Civil Society Movement in the regions of Hermel and Byblos

The Civil Society Movement (CSM) held two workshops under the title “Activating the Work on Secularism” on the 17th and 18th of August 2024 in the Region of Hermel', and on the 24th and 25th of August in Byblos.

The “Secular Meeting Group” was established in May 2023 and encompasses independent individuals in addition to civil and cultural groups, including the Civil Society Movement. This “Secular Meeting Group” seeks to be a framework for cooperation, joint action, and struggle to lay the foundations of the secular, democratic and social justice state in Lebanon, and to form a secular political and civil state in the face of sectarian alignment in the context of the socio-economic crisis and deteriorating living conditions.

The workshop allowed the active participation of many individuals and the development of draft action plan for prioritized activities that will allow building enabling environments, strengthening youth secular skills, specifically the youth of Hermel and communicating to them, through social media, the recommendations and way forward.

Lebanon Office

Downtown  Beirut 

(+961) 1 998 559/60
(+961) 1 998 557

website: lebanon.fes.de