
Advocacy for Article 47

The importance of applying this Article of the Lebanese Code of Criminal Procedure, and its pivotal its role in safeguarding the rights of individuals during legal proceedings.

As part of our ongoing advocacy efforts to promote the importance of Article 47 of the Lebanese Code of Criminal Procedure, FES in collaboration with lawyers Farouk Moughrabi and Lama El Amine, recently conducted three impactful sessions aimed at raising awareness and building capacity among key stakeholders. Article 47 is pivotal in protecting the rights of defense for individuals involved in legal proceedings, and our sessions were designed to highlight its significance and practical applications.

Session 1: Engaging with Journalists (22 August)

On 22 August, we held our first session specifically tailored for journalists. The media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and driving policy changes, and it was essential to equip journalists with a deep understanding of Article 47. The session covered:

  • Overview of Article 47: Detailed discussions on the provisions of Article 47 and its role in safeguarding the rights of individuals during legal proceedings.
  • Journalistic Responsibility: Exploring the role of journalists in reporting on legal matters responsibly, especially concerning human rights and the judicial process.
  • Interactive Q&A: An open forum where journalists could ask questions, share their experiences, and discuss challenges faced when covering issues related to legal rights and the judiciary.

The session aimed to empower journalists to report accurately on Article 47, thus contributing to a more informed and engaged public discourse on legal rights and justice in Lebanon.

Sessions 2 & 3: Connecting with NGO Representatives (28 August)

Following the success of our first session, we held two additional sessions on 28 August with representatives from various NGOs. Civil society organizations are at the forefront of advocacy and legal reform, making their involvement critical to the success of our efforts. These sessions focused on:

  • Legal Framework of Article 47: A comprehensive review of the legal aspects of Article 47 and its application in the protection of defense rights.
  • Advocacy Strategies: Discussions on effective advocacy strategies to promote the implementation and respect of Article 47 within the judicial system.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Identifying opportunities for NGOs to collaborate in advocacy efforts, share resources, and amplify their impact on promoting legal rights.
  • Case Studies and Best Practices: Sharing real-world examples of how Article 47 has been applied successfully, highlighting best practices that NGOs can adopt.

These sessions were designed to build a strong network of informed advocates who can work together to ensure that Article 47 is not only recognized but also implemented effectively across the Lebanese judicial system.

Moving Forward

Our advocacy efforts around Article 47 are just beginning. By engaging with journalists and NGOs, we are building a robust coalition that will champion the rights of defense for all individuals in Lebanon. We look forward to continuing these efforts, expanding our reach, and driving meaningful change in the legal landscape of the country.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved in our advocacy initiatives!

To access the full booklet on Article 47 go to the link below:


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Downtown  Beirut 

(+961) 1 998 559/60
(+961) 1 998 557

website: lebanon.fes.de