
Public Consultations on the Lebanese Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

LOGI initiated a review of the SEA of the Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA) in collaboration with different environmental civil-societal actors and experts

LOGI photo

In partnership with FES, the LOGI organized a one-day workshop and an experts’ meeting with different environmental civil-societal actors aiming to invigorate their participation and to implement their expertise in the updating of the LPA’s Strategic Environmental Assessment.

By means of the SEA checklist theorized by Geoflint, the participants examined the Lebanese SEA and summarized their remarks, concerns and questions. The results of both meetings were combined and submitted to the LPA’s public consultation page.

The discussions enhanced the engagement of civil society actors in the process of shaping the Lebanese SEA, by that marking the first public consultations ever to happen in Lebanon, due to the open approach adopted by LPA.

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